Services & rates
Language combination
What is a language combination?
Translation is first and foremost about mastering a mother tongue. Therefore, every translator should translate towards their mothertongue (target language), from one or more secondary foreign languages learnt throughout the years (source languages). It is the association of a foreign source language and a target language that creates a language combination.
What are the working languages of Léman Traduction?
Currently, Léman Traduction has two language combinations:
Do you need to have one or several documents translated?
- Pretranslation phase: receive, analyse and prepare the project
- Translation phase: render a text written in one source language into another target language following all of the client’s expectations
- Post-translation phase: format the text and proceed to a quality check.
Do you need a quality check on one or several documents (originals or translations)?
- Check the quality of grammar and syntax
- Check spelling
- Check typography
- Make sure the document is fluid and coherent (consistent terminology)
- For a translation: compare in details the original text and the translation to make sure it has no errors of meaning, no additions or omissions and that it complies with the culture of the target audience.
- Check numbers, dates and names
- Check the layout
Do you wish to have your machine-translated text checked and corrected?
- Receive the machine-translated text
- Analyse and prepare the project
- Complete, modify, correct and revise the translation to make sure the text is understandable, fluid, coherent and error-free.
Minimum rate (for any service)
Any job exceeding 999 (nine hundred and ninety nine) euros (excluding VAT) will be subject to a down payment. In which case, I will not start working on your documents until I have received said payment.
For emergencies, night work or poorly written original documents, an additional fee could be applied.