Services & rates

Language combination

What is a language combination?

Translation is first and foremost about mastering a mother tongue. Therefore, every translator should translate towards their mothertongue (target language), from one or more secondary foreign languages learnt throughout the years (source languages). It is the association of a foreign source language and a target language that creates a language combination.

What are the working languages of Léman Traduction?

Currently, Léman Traduction has two language combinations:

English to French
Italian to French


Minimum rate (for any service)

Any job exceeding 999 (nine hundred and ninety nine) euros (excluding VAT) will be subject to a down payment. In which case, I will not start working on your documents until I have received said payment.

For emergencies, night work or poorly written original documents, an additional fee could be applied.

How can I request a quote?

Please contact me using the following email address or via the contact form.
To prepare the quote, additional information may be requested.

For further information, you can read the General terms and conditions of services and the FAQs

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